The number of competitions for API-FOOTBALL has risen dramatically in recent months, and we've just passed the 1 000 mark for competitions covered. We're trying to add new competitions every month,

+800 leagues & cups covered

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Last week we added more than a hundred competitions in API-FOOTBALL, bringing the total number of competitions to 808! To know the list of these last additions you can use the following endpoint


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We took advantage of this calm sporting period to add new competitions in the API, which now brings us to +640 leagues and cups available. We have also added several years of history on 50% of our


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Hey, everyone, You may not have noticed but we've added about 30 leagues & cups in the last few days. That makes a total of 511 leagues and cups covered. We don't intend to stop there :-)


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Small feature but that has its usefulness 😆 We added the coverage field in the endpoint leagues, it allows you to know what is available for a league or cup. Standings Events Lineups Statistics