Hi dear football fans. We have talked about it a lot and here it is available: the new release of our API. Check our documentation, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us by email at
We've been talking about it for a while, and now it's available. All the statistics of a match are available via this new endpoint : statistics/fixture/{fixture_id}/. Here is the list of available
Hey, good news. We have just added 4 new leagues to the API. Iran Persian Gulf Cup
Iran Azadegan League
South Korea K-League Classic
South Korea K-League Challenge Seasons available from 2016 to
Here are the last two leagues added to our API South Africa Premier Soccer League
South Africa National First Division They are available for the seasons : 2016-2017
Hello friends, We are increasing our number of leagues today, 110 to 118.
Recently added : Indonesia
New Zeland
Peru And it's not over yet, we still have some in reserve for the next